Saying OSHA is a huge part of the safety world is an understatement, so staying on top of OSHA news is always on our radar – and it should be on yours, too. We’re here to make it easy. Right now, there’s a few things you need to know about what’s going on with OSHA, effective April 1st:

  • “Introduction to OSHA” compliance update – OSHA has reduced the required introduction coverage from two hours to just one hour allowing more time dedicated to risky business, such as working at heights with fall prevention.
  • OSHA’s new guidance – OSHA will now allow shorter courses as long as they build to the 30-minute minimum per topic.
  • Focus Four topics – If more time is spent in this area than is required, the additional time may be reported in the specific focus four area or under such elective topics as scaffolds, cranes, and excavations, as applicable. Also Falls topic has increased from 1.25 hours to 1.5 hours.

What does this mean for you? It means that your training may need updating or the materials you supply to your workers could need new content. These aren’t huge changes, but they  need to be noted and your training needs to reflect them. More details can be found on the OSHA website.

Not sure what you need? Luckily for you, we’re on top of it. Give us a call today to start a conversation of how we can help.