The National Safety Council Congress and Expo is in full swing in Atlanta. The conference kicked off Monday with the exhibit hall open through Wednesday, September 30 and sessions coming to a close on Friday, October 2. Congress and Expo is the largest safety...
About a year after his conviction on 72 counts of fraud and conspiracy, Stuart Parnell, owner and CEO of the now-defunct Peanut Corporation of America (PCA), was sentenced to 28 years in prison by a Federal judge. In the case of the peanut butter king, the jury...
According to OSHA’s Recordkeeping regulation (29 CFR 1904), employers are responsible to record occupational injuries and illnesses – “occupational” referring to injuries and illnesses that are the result of an event or exposure in the work environment which either...
The on air shooting of two reporters at television station WDBJ in Roanoke, Virginia on August 25, 2015 was a tragic reminder of the serious consequences of workplace violence. Although awareness has helped reduce the number of workplace homicides in recent years,...
In the words of the famous comedian John Cleese, “People learn nothing when they are asleep and very little when they are bored.” As we gear up for next year and wrap up the compliance training requirements for this year, it’s easy for employees to be...
In May of this year, OSHA issued a final rule to increase safety and protect construction workers in confined spaces. The final rule was published twenty-five years after the rule was proposed. “In the construction industry, entering confined spaces is often...
For the second time in three years, the Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA) has lost its battle to award online training contracts for Online OSHA 10 & 30 hour training to a limited number of providers. On July 31, Judge Edward J. Damich of the...
Originally developed at OSHA’s request, NFPA 70E helps companies and employees avoid workplace injuries and fatalities due to shock, electrocution, arc flash, and arc blast, and assists in complying with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and OSHA 1926 Subpart K. According to...
>> Download your free EH&S Training Planning Guide. The EH&S Training Planning Guide helps anyone who is responsible for EH&S training review their current training program and plan for the future. The guide includes tips on identifying your goals...