No doubt about it… we use our eyes every day. Are you doing enough to ensure you can keep it that way? When it comes to eye health in the workplace, vision ailments in employees can cause an increase in time off work, medical care and healthcare related expenses, as...
Next stop: Philly. We’re hitting the road next month to exhibit at the RIMS 2017 Annual Conference & Exhibition from April 23–26 in Philadelphia… and we’re excited. Why? This is the largest annual risk management event that brings together 10,000+ risk...
Let’s face it, burn injuries in the workplace – and at home – are too common for comfort. In fact, they’re a leading cause of accidental death and injury in the United States by being the cause for roughly 450,000 patients to receive hospital and emergency...
When SafetySkills says they work hard to develop high-end, competency-based, custom-built e-learning courses to help industries around the globe stay up-to-date and in compliance with environmental and occupational needs – they mean it. Our trusted partner...
If you were looking for the perfect time to sit down and have a candid conversation with your heart about your health, here’s your chance. Every year, February is dubbed American Heart Month to encourage families, friends, and communities across the U.S. to focus on...
The event calendar for 2017 is heating up, and we want you to stay ahead of the game. This month, take a look at freshly added dates and events on our downloadable calendar to ensure you’ve got a complete rundown of all EH&S events happening in the country and...
2017 is starting out strong for SafetySkills with an update to their Learning Management System AND new titles now available! The hugely anticipated LMS Version 10.2 is finally here! Depending on your access level, changes will affect Owners, Super Administrators,...
Resolutions are in the air for 2017, but we’re not looking to reinvent ourselves or find a new version of us… Instead, we want to keep ramping up what we’ve been doing, and that’s working towards being the most effective environmental, safety, and health...
The holidays are busy enough without having to take a trip to the Emergency room, so we’ve put together a checklist of the top 10 basic precautions you can take to be on the “nice” list when it comes to ensuring your whole family remains safe and injury-free...
If you recall back in mid November, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration issued a final rule to update its 44-year old general industry Walking-Working Surfaces standard that protects workers from slip, trip, and fall hazards. Going into effect on...