In your role as the safety professional at your company, we understand that your role and responsibilities require you to react and follow up on a wide array of issues that come up daily. We are introducing short informative webinars that will focus on the move away...
We’re steering our way to increased safety on the road with our new partner… We are happy to announce that Evolved Safety has partnered with Alert Driving to offer you even MORE choices for your driver safety training needs, and we’re excited to tell you about it....
Software is one of those things that makes the world go ‘round, and since we’re always on the look out for “the next best thing” for your safety consulting needs, we’ve got a pretty cool announcement – Evolved Safety has partnered with SHE Software...
Get your Downloadable PDF on Temp’s Extra Considerations The difference between temporary and permanent employees is easy enough to understand, but when it comes safety in the workplace, they should be trained the same. From a hospital hiring a nursing intern to a...
We’ve all done it. Call your friend to make plans, find the perfect radio station, take another sip of soda, or linger your gaze on that cool car in the next lane – all while driving. You may think it’s second nature, but it’s still considered distracted...
The danger of working in heat isn’t news to any of us, but it’s always good to have a refresher on the dos and don’ts when heat is a factor at work. The biggest and most important reason why this is true – according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,...
Fall protection is a hot topic right now – and not just in the construction industry, but for general industry as well. With updated standards and constantly evolving safety concerns, are you prepared and in compliance for what’s ahead? If you recall back on...
It happens all the time – a phone call from your mom, the need to look up directions to lunch, or changing the song on your iTunes app… all while at the wheel. You may think you’ve mastered the art of multitasking, but it’s still distracted driving… and it’s...
Our partner SafetySkills is always updating or adding something to their line-up, and this month is no different. They’ve got both an update to their LMS – Version 10.4 is here – AND new titles to help you meet your EH&S training needs. Let’s take a...
Before we dig into our new offering, we wanted to ask you a question: Did you know that according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), of the 220,000 victims of sudden cardiac arrest per year in the United States, about 10,000 sudden cardiac...